Are you looking to enroll your child in quality child care in the Atlanta area? Tiny Treasures Academy Inc. has been operating since 2008. We are a family-based childcare business servicing metro Atlanta and other locations in Coweta and Troup County. We are conveniently located at 2920 Metropolitan Pkwy., Atlanta, GA 30315.
Tiny Treasures Academy is a Quality Rated 2 STAR licensed Center with programs running from 06:00 AM to 06:00 PM, Monday through Friday. We offer services for infants, toddlers, preschool, Georgia Lottery Funded Pre-k, Afterschool, and Summer Camp. When your child joins us for their early education, you can feel confident that we’re going to make their experience as rich and rewarding as possible.
Annual assessments are one way to make sure we’re helping your child meet their academic and social-emotional milestones based upon Georgia Early and Development Standards. We can provide families with focused insight into their child’s strengths and areas for growth. Our goal at Tiny Treasures Academy is to give each child enrolled in the Academy the best QUALITY and loving care that they all deserve.
Our Mission Statement
Tiny Treasures Academy will provide QUALITY childcare, enhancing each child’s social, emotional, physical, and mental development. Play is the basis for our learning experience. Through play, creative skills will be enhanced, which will encourage a Joyful learning experience.
We strive to ensure that each child will be given praise as we believe will build up their self-esteem and self-confidence. We will also teach self-discipline through positive guidance and redirection. We believe that these areas are essential ingredients in a child’s life. We respect parents as the primary and most important providers.
We believe parents and teachers are partners in childcare and learning and we will strive to create and promote a strong partnership with families while making a thoughtful, warm, and compassionate sense of community. At Tiny Treasures Academy, we will provide your child with a friendly, safe, loving, and relaxed environment to learn, have fun, and grow.
Our Vision Statement
Tiny Treasures Academy is a child care learning facility that provides child care services for all children. Children will experience quality early education and will receive long-term benefits. They will have better math, language, and social skills as they enter school and progress further in school.